How strengthen Aquaculture at SLU?

How strengthen Aquaculture at SLU?

An SLU-internal seminar will be held at Ultuna on December 11th with the aim to give an overview of ongoing aquaculture activities at SLU, discuss future research needs and to form a network for future calls. Final registration 1 December. For more info see "Kalender".

Pro Vice-Chancellor Johan Schnürer and the Swedish Centre for Aquaculture invites researchers, PhD students, and students to the internal SLU seminar:

How can we strengthen aquaculture research and education at SLU?

Aquaculture, which includes the farming of fish, molluscs, crustaceans, other invertebrates, and micro and macro algae, is one of the world’s fastest growing food production systems. Farmed fish accounts for about half of the fish we eat today. With stagnating yields from many natural capture fisheries and increasing demand for fish- and fishery products, expectations for aquaculture to increase its contribution to the world's food production are very high. In addition, aquaculture plays an important role in rural development, has a growing importance in eco deliveries as “blue nutrient catch crops", and can be an important component in the closing of nutrient loops in our modern food production systems.  

SLU has a very broad research base related to the understanding, management and sustainable use of biological natural resources. This provides us with an unique opportunity to become one of the leading research and education institutions within the wide field of Aquaculture – Are we willing to try?

Program: The program will include presentations of ongoing research at SLU. The presented research will include both topics closely related to Aquaculture and projects that could have aquaculture applications in the future. The presentations will cover: fish biology, diseases, genetics, sustainable feed, ethics and animal welfare, economy, environmental impact and services, as well as the final food quality and product safety. Common strategies to strengthen this field at SLU will be discussed. Participants are invited to register posters to be presented during breaks. A more detailed program will be sent out during late October.

When: December 11th, 10.00-17.00 (registration and coffee at 9.30). Continued discussion and mingle from 17.00 (light refreshments will be served).

Place: Loftets Hörsal, Ultuna, Uppsala

Language: English (posters accepted in Swedish or English)

Organizers: The Swedish Centre for Aquaculture (Nationellt Kompetenscentrum för Vattenbruk, NKfV) and The Pro Vice-Chancellors office

Registration: Participation in the seminar is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Please specify any dietary requests, if you would like to present a poster, and if you would like to stay for further discussions and mingle from 17.00.

Final registration date: 1 December

Please send registrations to: Anna Norman Haldén

Coordinator, Swedish Centre for Aquaculture (NKfV)

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+46 (0)702-62 83 50

Most welcome!

The Swedish Centre for Aquaculture ( is financed by  the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Gothenburg. The Centre  is responsible for the coordination of aquaculture research and education, and  for providing knowledge based information to society and industry.


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