By NKfV on måndag, 29 Maj 2017
Category: Nyheter

EFARO-rapport: A vision on the future of European Aquaculture

"A vision on the future of European Aquaculture - Where will European aquaculture be in 2030, 2050 and beyond, outlining the main drivers and game changers" är titeln på en ny rapport från EFARO (The European Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Organisations).

EFARO är en sammanslutning av EUs ledande forskningsorganisationer inom fiske och akvakultur. Arbetsgruppen inom EFARO som har skrivit denna rapport representerar forskningsorganisationer med fokus på tillämpad forskning, däribland SLU. Rapporten presenterar, utöver visionen, de drivkrafter och faktorer som anses vara av avgörande betydelse för att nå de uppsatta målen. 

Läs hela rapporten här.

Nedan följer ett utdrag från förordet till rapporten:

"In order to deal with the diversity of questions in a growing aquaculture sector, EFARO established an Aquaculture Working Group. The Working Group represents the European Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Organisations with a focus on applied research. It thereby represents an important bridge between knowledge of more basic science and its application within the industry. The thoughts forwarded in this paper represent a longer time horizon than normally used in industry investments, but with a clear focus on innovations, issues to be addressed and game changers. The Working Group recognized the importance of linking relevant organizations through a dedicated network in order to make available scientific research to support policy makers. A first step in this process was to reinforce an interactive dialogue with EATIP, the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform, on e.g. environmental issues, future food and industry development and the role of aquaculture in building a circular economy. The second step was the initiation and formulation of this strategy and position document you have in your hands now. This document presents a science based view of aquaculture’s future, not limited to today’s economic situation and legislation. It seeks to function as start of a much needed discussion on the scientifically based input to policy makers and industry in the field of aquaculture development.

The members of the Working Group unanimously agree that the future success of European aquaculture depends on its ability to continue the process of knowledge based development. A close collaboration between organisations as EFARO and EATIP is a prerequisite in such process. The intent is therefore to help manage the scientific advisory processes throughout Europe by integrating science and industry and work together with stakeholders and policy makers in identifying and prioritising areas where research co-operation would be most effective and beneficial."

Läs hela rapporten här.